schnitzel |ˈ sh nitsəl|nouna thin slice of veal or other light meat, coated in breadcrumbs and fried.
I love this word, but I've actually never known what it was. Now I just have to find a place to try one (like the Schnitzel House I always pass on my way to Toronto!!).
Next word:
ubiquitous |yoōˈbikwətəs|adjectivepresent, appearing, or found everywhere : his ubiquitous influence was felt byall the family | cowboy hats are ubiquitous among the male singers.
I've heard that one too, but when I scrolled by it in the dictionary I couldn't quite come up with the definition. So, for future reference, there it is!
You may now consider your vocabular horizons expanded! Yes, I just made up the word vocabular. ;)
ETA: I found another word!!
While reading this lovely blog, I came across I word I had not seen before. While able to glean the definition from the context in which it was used, I thought it still deserved to be added to the post.
imbibe |imˈbīb|verb [ trans. ] formal often humorousdrink (alcohol) : they were imbibing far too many pitchers of beer | [ intrans. ]having imbibed too freely, he fell over.• figurative absorb or assimilate (ideas or knowledge) : the Bolshevistpropaganda that you imbibed in your youth.• chiefly Botany (esp. of seeds) absorb (water) into ultramicroscopic spaces or pores.• Botany place (seeds) in water in order to absorb it.
Yay wordy wednesday! I just love saying "schnitzel" aloud